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From Industrial Robotics & Automation - Fanuc Teach Pendant Programming

WAIT statements are simple conditional instructions. They evaluate a condition or series of conditions, and only continue on to the next line if true. This allows you to add a delay to the progression of a robot's program.

How to add a "wait seconds" instruction.

If it is not true, the instruction will continue checking if it is true until it becomes true.

WAIT Variable Math Variable Modifier Choice Modifier Variable
WAIT R[1] = 6
WAIT 1.2 (Sec)

The condition can be any valid variable compared against any other variable, as well as just a time constant.

The WAIT instruction modifier TIMEOUT lets the instruction break out to a given LBL after a certain amount of time has occurred. This can be useful for error checking or multitasking, where the robot sitting idle is an undesired event.

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