Hi! You've reached a page that is currently in progress. Much like the Teach Pendant page, this page requires an extension to help organize the available software menus to reduce the amount of information immediately displayed on this page. The page will remain as it is until the extension is approved. You can check on the status of the request here:
The select button opens a list of existing programs, letting you view and change details as well as select existing programs. From this screen you can create new programs as well.
Soft Keys
At the bottom of the screen are soft key options for navigating the SELECT page.
- [TYPE] - This option lets you filter programs by their specific type.
- All
- Collections
- TP Programs - The programs we create will all be teach pendant programs.
- KAREL Progs
- Macro - Macros are quick actions to be run as if they were functions.
- Cond
- CREATE - This option brings up a screen letting you create a new program.
- DELETE - This option lets you delete programs.
- [ATTR]
- Comment
- Protection
- Last Modified
- Size
- Copy Source
- Name Only
- COPY - You can copy teach pendant programs. When COPY is used, you will be prompted to name the copied file. It must have a name different from the original, or any other available program.
- Creation Date:
- Modification Date:
- Copy Source
- Positions:
- Size:
- Program name:
- Name
- Sub Type: []
- Comment: []
- Group mask: []
- Write protect: []
- Ignore pause: []
- Stack size: []
- Collection: []