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*Overwrite the user frame from last class (the currently active one) teaching the origin to the corner on “Cup Pick and Place” lab sheet closest to 0,0.
*Create a program that will pick up a cup from location 0-0 on the lab sheet.
· Name it S2_CPi_yourname.
· Choose a Position Register on the data screen and name it after yourself. Initialize it by filling all 6 elements with zeros.
· Add an Offset PR[] motion modifier to the end of your lines, with the position register number you chose.
· Make sure the “lifted” point is high enough that the cup held by the robot won’t hit any other cups on the grid, when traveling in XY.
*Take the robot to HOME
*Create a program that will place the cup at location 0-0 on the lab sheet.
· Name it S2_CPL_yourname.
· Add an Offset PR[] motion modifier to the end of your lines, with the position register number you chose.
· Make sure the first motion point is high enough that the cup held by the robot won’t hit any other cups on the grid, when traveling in XY.
*Create a program S2_CPM_yourname to perform the following tasks:
· Set your entire position register to zero (make it equal to itself minus itself)
· Wait for DI[104] to go from LOW to HIGH (signaling a “go” command)
o Use the ON+ selection, which means if you left it on, it will have to first go OFF, then ON before breaking out of the WAIT statement. (Known as positive edge triggering)
· Make your position register’s X element equal to GI[1] times 50
· Wait for DI[104] to go from LOW to HIGH (signaling a “go” command)
o Use the ON+ selection, which means if you left it on, it will have to first go OFF, then ON before breaking out of the WAIT statement (Known as positive edge triggering)
· Make your position register’s Y element equal to GI[1] times 50
· Call S2_CPi_yourname
*Use the COPY utility to copy the above instructions (after the zeroing one) and paste it at the end of your program. Change the name of the call on the new last line (that you pasted) to S2_CPL_yourname, since now we want to place it instead.
*Call me over to demonstrate your program. It selects X and Y through the switches binary (one at a time) and sets them as offsets, runs “pick” to pick it up, then repeats the process for place.
Above is the switches labeled for your convenience.