The McFredrick Bot

At the pick hours in burgers shops, customers spend most of their valuable time waiting for their orders because the person(s) at the counter got overwhelmed by the service.
Thus, this idea of customer hamburger machine came as outstanding to reduce the amount of waiting time. The robot will, with great precision and fast, pick hamburger ingredients from four different positions and make finished burger ready to pass on to the customer. For our demonstration purpose we will blocks or small plates representing burger ingredients.
Flow and Structure
- Set home position
- Robot move to pick from first position
- Approach
- Pick the ingredient
- Retract
- Move to the placing position
- Approach
- Place the ingredient
- Retract
- Next ingredient to be picked
- (Input)
- Yes
- Go to Home position
- Second ingredient to be picked? (Input)
- Yes
- Go to pick at second pick position
- Approach
- Pick the 2nd layer ingredient
- Retract
- Move to the placing position
- Approach
- Place the ingredient
- Retract
- Third ingredient to be picked?
- (Input)
- Yes
- Go to Home position
- Third ingredient to pick? (Input)
- Yes
- Go to 3rd pick position
- Approach
- Pick
- Retract
- move to the placing position
- Approach
- Place the Place the ingredient
- Retract
- Last ingredient
- to be picked
- (Input)
- Yes
- Move to Home Position
- Got to last position of pick up (Input)
- Approach position
- Pick
- Retract
- Move to placing Position
- Approach
- Place the ingredient
- Retract
- Next ingredient to be picked?
- No
- Press Reset button
- Robot moves to Home
- position
- End