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Christian's Napkin Diagram

In a world of ever-changing technology and advancements in robotics we continuously keep changing as a society. And with these technological advances keep growing as a society.

Fast Food Industry

Also, in this world where the supply and demand for fast-food is always at an increase, and as people become more and more impatient with wait times, and becoming vexed with constant human error, a machine that could not only assemble, but let the customer choose what they want as they go along, (like a more advanced Subway for example) could not only decrease these wait times, but potentially eradicate common human errors, as well as save the owner a plethora of money over a period of time, making this machine a huge return in investment, with no longer the need to hire human staff and eventually phase human employees out altogether.

An Automated Solution

Flow Chart of Program Structure

This robot I am proposing, as shown on my napkin diagram, is a user-friendly machine that will let you choose your bread, condiments, with or without cheese (as well as number of slices) with the assurance of getting what you ordered and paid for.So,no need to go through the drive-thru a second or third time.There will also be designated sanitation area for machine tools to avoid food cross-contamination as per usual in the food industry, and in accordance with food safety laws.