Programs: Difference between revisions

33 bytes removed ,  5 years ago
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==== Setup Section ====
The first lines of a program should be your setup instructions. This often means zeroing registers and setting constants to be used later. It's also a good idea to set all your outputs to ideal conditions. We can do this quickly using a single register instruction.
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==== Intro Motion ====
It can be useful to include motion instructions that take your robot to a known position, in case of power failure or a prior program leaving off in a weird place. Use a Joint move to ensure you don't enter singularity.
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====Inputs ====
While inputs can be read anywhere in your program, it can be helpful to organize them into a small section that can be run through at points where it really matters. In this example, we have 4 inputs waiting to go ON. These could represent 4 different conveyors coming to the robot.
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==== Configuration ====
Depending on program state, input values, counts, times, and other variables - you can set up configuration data to match. This lets you run short, efficient motion instructions with few or no special sections.
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==== Motion ====
Your motion lines should be efficient and minimalist. Anything that can be done with a new tool frame, user frame, offset, and registers should be, instead of having lots of similar motion lines.
'''J P[1] 100% Fine OFFSET PR[10]'''
'''L P[2] 222mm/s Fine OFFSET PR[10]'''
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'''L P[3] 222mm/s Fine OFFSET PR[10]'''
'''C P[8] 222mm/s Fine OFFSET PR[10] ...P[6] R[11] Fine OFFSET PR[10]'''
'''... P[6] R[11] 222mm/s Fine OFFSET PR[10]'''
==== Notes ====
==== Notes ====
The program listed above could have been done much more simply with a group input and a SELECT instruction. It was left as IF statements for simplicity in understanding.