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'''The following should be started as you begin working on the physical robot.'''
*[[Robot Hardware]] - Familiarize yourself with the terminology used in robotics.
**[[Homework#Robot Types|Robot Types Homework Assignment]]
*[[Teach Pendant]] - All direct robot interaction in our lab is done through the teach pendant. While it is possible to control and upload programs through external devices, the teach pendant is specially designed to make programming easy.
*[[Teach Pendant]]
*[[Jogging]] - You will need to jog the robot to be able to teach points in motion programs. It is important to focus on remembering the directions of each axis and get a feel for the buttons on the teach pendant. An acceptable level to be at when moving past this section is to be able to open a book with the robot's vacuum tool without mashing jog keys.
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'''The following are novice-level materials that will get you to creating simple programs.'''
*[[Motion Instructions]] - You will learn to write lines of code that, when run, will result in moving the robot to different positions and orientations in space. Motion instructions are intuitive and let you define parameters other than just positions - such as speed, path, acceleration, and accuracy.
**The [[EDIT]] and [[SELECT]] Screens - These are the screens you will primarily be utilizing to create and edit programs. Focus on being able to navigate between programs, create new programs, add and edit motion instructions, and use the edit commands such as insert, delete, and copy.
**[[Motion Instructions]]
***[[Motion Instructions Lab]]
* [[Frames]] - The robot is capable of calculating positions in reference to things the user may define, making it easier to work using numeric coordinates and tools. Before writing intermediate-level programs, the accuracy of the Tool Frame should always be confirmed and a User frame defined to the work area. When working on this section, focus on creating tool and user frames, as well as switching between available frames of reference for jogging and teaching points. The three-point methods are sufficient for our labs and projects.
**[[Tool Frame Lab]]
***[[Homework#Robot Tools|Robot Tools Homework Assignment]]